High Voltage Multi-Range DC Power Supply 1000V 20A
The MR Series high voltage multi-range DC power supplies consist of 250 V, 500 V, and 1000 V models producing 5 kW of clean output power in a compact 2U form factor. This series is suited for both bench use and automated test system applications. For benchtop applications, this series offers an intuitive user interface for list mode programming and slew rate adjustments directly from the front panel. System integrators benefit from fast command response times, excellent regulation, and low noise characteristics. This series supports USB, GPIB, LXI compliant LAN, and analog interfaces for remote control and programming. The provided LabVIEWTM, IVI-C, and IVI.NET drivers further simplify system development.
The built-in SAS (solar array simulator) function enables users to generate PV (photovoltaic) I-V curves for testing solar inverters. Optional SAS software is available for simulating the I-V curve of different arrays under various weather and irradiance conditions.
Features and benefits