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(exkl. Steuern)
: 19493

Ionization Test Kit

  • Portable Kit for Testing of Electrostatic Fields, and Offset Voltage and Discharge Times of Air Ionisers
    Measures surface voltage and polarity on objects up to ±19.99 kV at a distance of 2.5cm.
  • Stainless Steel Conductive Plate for Static Field Meter
    Used to measure offset voltage and discharge times for the periodic verification of ionizers per ANSI/ESD SP3.3 and ESD TR53.
  • ±1000 Volt Charger
    Apply charge to conductive plate to measure discharge times.
  • Durable Housing Design with Membrane Switches (NEW)
    Protects meter from physical damage and minimizes wear.
  • LED Range Finder
    Red ranging lights help operator to place the meter at the correct distance from the object being measured
  • Hold Button
    Allows the measurements to be retained for easy reading
  • NIST Calibrated
    Calibrated with accepted procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information on calibration of Desco Europe products, see Calibration
  • Made in the United States of America

    The Ionisation Test Kit isolates the conductive Plate and positions it 2.54 cm away from the end of the Digital Static Field Meter. The battery operated Charger then allows one to quickly place a +/-1,000 volt charge on the Plate which since it is isolated will remain there for some time. The Periodic Verification of Air Ionisers test in accordance with ESD-SP3.3 is to place the Kit in the Ioniser’s airflow and use a stopwatch to measure the discharge times to reduce a 1,000 volt charge to 100 volts and to reduce a -1,000 volt charge to -100 volts. With the Kit grounded, it can then approximate offset voltage (balance).

“Air ionizers Compliance Verification ESD SP3.3, Periodic Verification of Air Ionizers. Objective, The objective of this periodic test procedure is to verify that the discharge time and offset voltage (ion balance) of air ionizers is in compliance with the user's specification. Measurements should be made at the location where ESD sensitive items are to be ionized.” (ESD TR53 Compliance Verification of ESD Protective Equipment and Materials)

Download Document TB-3041.E - Ionisation Test Kit - Operation and Maintenance

YouTube Presentation Video