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1500W DC Electronic load 120V/240A
Bench DC resistance meter for high accuracy and resolution measurements, 1μΩ - 20kΩ, R & LPR
Bench LCR Meter Test Fixture
TLBB53 AC Mains Breakout Box for Power Meter 5335
Sefram 9831 Thermography Camera, 19200 pixels, 160*120 resolution
Batterij analyzer 30-300V
Bench Component Tester 500 kHz LCR Meter
Triple Output Multi-Range DC Power Supplies, 100W per channel, max 32V per channel
Bench DC resistance meter for high accuracy and resolution measurements 0.1μΩ - 100MΩ, R, R-T, T, LPR, & LRP-T
Tripple output Digital Display DC Power Supply, Chan1: 0-30V, 0-3A, Chan2: Fixed 12V, Chan3: Fixed 5V, Max 98W
Full-featured auto ranging true RMS DMM w/back light 3400 counts
Triple Output DC Power Supplies, Chan 1&2: 0-60V, 0-2A, Chan 3: 2-6,5V, 0-5A, Max 272W
5 MHz Function Generator
13 MHz DDS function Generator with color screen
Analog Digital I/O Card 2-channel for 9170 and 9180 Power Supplies
80V/40A/200W load module
PR100A x100 Probe for Oscilloscopes
19 Inch Rack mount kit for bench DMMs 2831E and 5491B
Batterij analyzer 6-60V
Switching Bench DC Power Supply, 1-36V, 0-10A, Max 360W