Professional BK Power-Supply Applications


BK Precision offers a full and wide range of quality power supplies and power sources to cover all the needs. BK Presision has more than 100 different models available that covers basic to high performance, 30 W to 5100 W, single or multiple outputs, programmable and non-programmable, linear, switching, mixed mode, multi range (auto) and dual range.

Especially for the high performance and high power situations BK Precision offers models that support the more demanding applications.

Solar Array Simulation (SAS)

The PVS and newest MR series are prepared with built-in SAS (Solar Array Simulator) function to generate PV (photovoltaic) I-V curves
- storage of up to 101 I-V curves
- Variety of input parameters (Voc, Isc, Vmp, Imp, and temperature coefficient)
- Monitors and logs real-time voltage, current, power, MPPT efficiency, and average MPPT efficiency
- Simulate I-V curve under different weather conditions during a day
- User-definable irradiance profile
- Generate a custom I-V curve with up to 4,096 data point
- Test to EN50530, NB/T32004, Sandia lab standards

SAS screen



BK Precision offers 6 different models available covering several combinations of power, voltage and current, that only needs a convenient single-phase AC input.

MR25080 5000 W 250 V 80 A                   5.350,00 €
MR50040 5000 W 500 V 40 A                   5.350,00 €
MR100020 5000 W 1000 V 20 A                   5.350,00 €
PVS60085MR 3000 W 600 V 8.5 A                   4.000,00 €
PVS60085 5100 W 600 V 8.5 A                   4.750,00 €
PVS10005 5000 W 1000 V 5 A                   4.750,00 €

LED Mode

The BK9170B/BK9180B series design incorporates special LED test modes for efficient and safe electrical tests of LED panels. Powering LEDs with conventional power supplies will potentially cause permanent damage to the UUT or limit its lifespan. This damage is caused by the excessive inrush current at power up and the non-linear characteristics of the LED’s I-V curve. These power supplies feature two distinct operating modes suitable for LED testing in a manufacturing or R&D environment and other special applications requiring a controlled rise time at power up without generating any inrush current.

LED Mode Screen Setup

BK Precision offers 9 different dual range models with up to 210 W outputs, in each 2 of them are dual output.

BK9171B 210 W 10 V, 20 V 10 A, 5 A                      910,00 € 1 output
BK9172B 210 W 35 V, 70 V 3 A, 1.5 A                      910,00 € 1 output
BK9173B 210 W 10 V, 20 V 10 A, 5 A                   1.320,00 € 2 outputs
BK9174B 210 W 35 V, 70 V 3 A, 1.5 A                   1.320,00 € 2 outputs
BK9181B 210 W 18 V, 36 V 8 A, 4 A                      960,00 € 1 output
BK9182B 210 W 10 V, 20 V 20 A, 10 A                   1.160,00 € 1 output
BK9183B 210 W 35 V, 70 V 6 A, 3 A                   1.130,00 € 1 output
BK9184B 210 W 100 V, 200 V 2 A, 1 A                   1.260,00 € 1 output
BK9185B 210 W 400 V, 600 V 0.5 A, 0.35 A                   1.260,00 € 1 output

Built-in simulations compliant to automotive test standards

In order to ensure electronic systems used in a vehicle are able to function in an automotive environment, automotive component manufacturers test electronic modules to industry standards.
The BK9115-AT provides automotive power test waveforms compliant to DIN 40839 and ISO 16750-2 standards that can simulate common test conditions for electrical and electronic devices installed in automobiles.



Simulation Automotive screens


Even this series of power supplies have 4 different models, only one support these specific tests, the BK9115-AT.

BK9115 1200 W 80 V 60 A 1.860,00 €
BK9115-AT 1200 W 80 V 60 A 2.350,00 €
BK9116 1200 W 150 V 30 A 2.100,00 €
BK9117 3000 W 80 V 120 A 3.400,00 €

Still the other 3 models are very interesting as they can be easily connected in series or parallel to increase their voltage or current output.

Series Parallel
BK9115 3 units (240 V Max) 3 units (180 A Max)
BK9115-AT 3 units (240 V Max) 3 units (180 A Max)
BK9116 2 units (300 V Max) 4 units (120 A Max)
BK9117 3 units (240 V Max) 4 units (480 A Max)

Power line disturbance (PLD) simulator

The PLD simulator is an extended feature of list mode that provides the user with more control over the disturbance insertion into the waveform. This can be useful for evaluating a product’s immunity performance. For instance, a user could produce common waveform disturbances like surge, sag, spikes, and dropouts at  user-defined locations on the waveform.


PLD Simulation

This function is available in our range of AC Power Sources, where we have 5 different models. They have also present other important characteristic:
- Dimmer mode
- Voltage and frequency sweep mode Pre-compliance testing for voltage dips and frequency simulation according to IEC61000-4-11 / 4-14 / 4-2
- Low total harmonic distortion meets the IEC 61000-3-2 standard
- Built-in standard waveforms sine, square and clipped sine

Our 5 different models have a single-phase output but now it's possible to combine 3 different models of the BK9832B and BK9833B and have a 3-phase output up to 9000 VA.

BK9801 300 VA 300 V 3 A                   2.100,00 €
BK9803 750 VA 300 V 6 A                   3.070,00 €
BK9805 1500 VA 300 V 12 A                   4.500,00 €
BK9832B 2000 VA 300 V 20 A                   6.350,00 € 3-phase option
BK9833B 3000 VA 300 V 30 A                   7.550,00 € 3-phase option

YouTube channel and Tutorial Videos

- MR series overview:
- BK9115 series overview:
- BK9800 series overview:
- BK9830B series overview:

Professional BK Power Supply Applications