This web store contains the complete program BK-Precision products. A compact description and Datasheet is available for every product in the store. elQuip uses the guarantee conditions of BK-Precision on products purchased at elQuip. The delivery conditions can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
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Deluxe Universal LCR Meter
100KHz Handheld LCR Meter
AC/DC Clamp Accessory for DMMs
Dual Range DC Power Supplies, 0-18V, 0-8A, or 0-36V, 0-4A, Max 144W
Dual Range DC Power Supplies, 0-400V, 0-0,5A, or 0-600V, 0-,35A, Max 210W
High Power Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-100V, 0-14,4A, Max 1440W with USB, RS485,Ethernet and GPIB
10:1/Direct 90 MHz Scope Probe
PR 37AG Deluxe 10:1 Gray Probe
High-Voltage Oscope Probe, 10kV, 40MHz
High Performance Bench DMM Accessory Kit
Mini-Pro Multimeter, w/Non-Contact Tester
7 MHz DDS function Generator
Universal LCR Meter
Triple Output Programmable DC Power Supply, Chan 1&2: 0-3A, Chan 3: 0-5V, 0-3A, Max 105W with RS232
RS485 Interface Card for 9170 and 9180 series Power Supplies
Magnetic Field Probe for 2650 and 2650A series
Function Generator Test Leads Set
Switching DC Power Supply, 1-16V, 0-60A, Max 960W
13 MHz DDS function Generator
Dipole Antenna (0.8-1.0 GHZ) for BK 265XA