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Dipole Antenna (1.25-1.65 GHZ) for BK265XA
General Purpose Power Supply Accessory Kit
Thermocouple Bead Probe, -50 to 200 °C
Bench Component Tester 300 kHz LCR Meter
BNC Breakout to Alligator Clips
Dual Range DC Power Supplies, 0-35V, 0-6A, or 0-70V, 0-3A, Max 210W
USB to Serial (RS232) Adapter
Power Supply Test Leads Set
Solder type terminal block connector for XLN series power supplies. Note that one of these connectors is already included with each XLN power supply.
Programmable AC Power Source, 0-300V, 0-12A, Max 1500VA, 45 Hz to 500 Hz
Bead Probe, Hi-Temp, -40 to 480 °C
Ethernet and GPIB interface for XLN models ( factory Option!!)
High current premium test lead accessory
Power core cable for XLN model
Dual Range Dual Output DC Power Supplies, 0-10V, 0-10A, or 0-20V, 0-5A, Max 200W
250W DC Electronic load 120V/60A
Ethernet and GPIB interface for XLN models ( factory Option!!) HV model
750W DC Electronic load 120V/120A
150cm Stacking Retractable Sleeve Plug Output Cable Kit
RS232C to IR Adapter