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Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-150V, 0-30A, Max 1200W with USB and RS485
Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-80V, 0-60A, Max 1200W, Automotive test with USB and RS485, compatible ISO16750-2
Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-80V, 0-60A, Max 1200W with USB and RS485
Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-80V, 0-60A, Max 1200W with USB and RS485 and GPIB
Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-150V, 0-30A, Max 1200W with USB and RS485 and GPIB
Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supply, 0-80V, 0-60A, Max 1200W, Automotive test with USB and RS485 and GPIB, compatible ISO16750-2