Deze web-winkel bevat het volledige ESD-product programma van Desco-Europe. De artikelen voldoen aan de Amerikaanse ANSI ESD S20.20 norm en/of de Europese IEC 61340 norm. Vrijwel alle artikelen zijn voorzien van documentatie.
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U kunt zoeken op typenummer of Engelstalige omschrijving. Klik op 'Reset' om terug te keren naar de volledige lijst.
Long Soft Rubber Nozzle with Mini Crevice Tool
Long Soft Rubber Nozzle with Brush Head
Micromotor Filter, ESD Charged Filter Media
Dual Conductor Coil Cord, 1.5M
Dual Conductor Coil Cord with Right Angle Mono Plug, 1.5M
Wrist Band, Dual Conductor Adjustable Fabric
Dual Conductor Coil Cord, 3M
Dual Conductor Coil Cord with Right Angle Mono Plug, 3M
Dual Conductor Coil Cord, 6M
Hanging Conductive Bin, 175mm x 100mm x 75mm
Hanging Conductive Bin, 235mm x 145mm x 125mm
Hanging Conductive Bin, 350mm x 200mm x 145mm
Hanging Conductive Bin, 350mm x 200mm x 200mm
Hanging Conductive Bin, 500mm x 300mm x 200mm
Conductive Flat PCB Holder, 355mm x 255mm x 14mm
Small Conductive L-Shaped PCB Rack, 208mm x 272mm x 93mm
Large Conductive L-Shaped PCB Rack, 355mm x 268mm x 128mm
Conductive PCB Rack, 175mm x 500mm
Conductive PCB Rack, 215mm x 582mm
Conductive Hi-Temp PCB Rack, 140mm x 465mm