Deze web-winkel bevat het volledige ESD-product programma van Desco-Europe. De artikelen voldoen aan de Amerikaanse ANSI ESD S20.20 norm en/of de Europese IEC 61340 norm. Vrijwel alle artikelen zijn voorzien van documentatie.
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Statfree DLR™ Dissipative 2-Layer Rubber Roll, 2.5MM x 1.9M x 10M, Light Grey
Statfree DLR™ Dissipative 2-Layer Rubber Roll, 3.5MM x 1.22M x 10M, Dark Grey
Statfree CV280™ Conductive PVC Roll, 2MM x 1.2M x 18.3M, Black
FLOOR MAT, CONDUCTIVE RUBBER, BLACK, 1.219 x 1.828M (Produced to order)
Statfree CV280® Conductive PVC Mat, 2MM x 0.9M x 1.2M, Black
AFM36720L1VGR Roll, Anti-Fatigue, Vinyl, Grey, 0.9mm x 0.9m x 18.2m
Statfree CV280® Conductive PVC Mat, 2MM x 0.9M x 1.8M, Black
ESD VINYL TILE, DISSIPATIVE, REV BLACK, 3.2MM, 36INx36IN = 91,4cm X 91,4cm. Price is per 9 tiles of 12INx12IN. (if not on stock; build to order. phone us)
Statfree i™ Conductive Interlocking Rubber, 12.7MM x 0.6M x 0.9M, Black
Statfree G2™ Conductive Rubber Mat, 1.5MM x 1.2M x 2.4M, Black
Statfree G2™ Conductive Rubber Roll, 1.5MM x 1.2M x 12.2M, Black