Deze web-winkel bevat het volledige ESD-product programma van Desco-Europe. De artikelen voldoen aan de Amerikaanse ANSI ESD S20.20 norm en/of de Europese IEC 61340 norm. Vrijwel alle artikelen zijn voorzien van documentatie.
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Ground Pro Meter
ESD Pro Event Indicator
2.2Kg Electrode for SmartLog Pro??
Combo Tester X3 with Dual Footplate
Wrist Strap and Foot Ground Combo Tester
Combo Tester X3 with Dual Footplate and Stand
Wrist Strap and Foot Ground Combo Tester with Stand
Combo Tester X3 with Dual Footplate, 10mm Adapter
Calibration Unit for Testers
Stainless Steel Foot Plate with Molded Base
Power Adapter for Monitors and Testers, 100-240VAC/12VDC, 0.5A (UK/Europe)
Turnstile Mounting Kit for SmartLog Pro®
SmartLog Pro®, with Proximity and Barcode Readers
SmartLog Pro® with Turnstile, 220VAC
Statfree CV280™ Conductive PVC Roll, 2MM x 1.2M x 18.3M, Black
FLOOR MAT, CONDUCTIVE RUBBER, BLACK, 1.219 x 1.828M (Produced to order)
Statfree CV280® Conductive PVC Mat, 2MM x 0.9M x 1.2M, Black
AFM36720L1VGR Roll, Anti-Fatigue, Vinyl, Grey, 0.9mm x 0.9m x 18.2m
Statfree CV280® Conductive PVC Mat, 2MM x 0.9M x 1.8M, Black
2-Part Conductive Epoxy Adhesive, 135 Sq. Ft. Coverage, Standard Pack