Deze web-winkel bevat het volledige ESD-product programma van Desco-Europe. De artikelen voldoen aan de Amerikaanse ANSI ESD S20.20 norm en/of de Europese IEC 61340 norm. Vrijwel alle artikelen zijn voorzien van documentatie.
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MagSnap 360??? Dual-Wire Wrist Strap Parking Station
Dual Conductor Metal Wrist Strap with 1.5M Coil Cord, Small
Coiled Cord, Blue, 2.4M, 10mm Socket/10mm Socket, 2 Megohm Resistor
Coiled Cord, Black, 1.8M, 10mm Socket/4mm Plug
Jewel Dual-Wire Small Metal Wrist Band, 4mm
Coiled Cord, Black, 1.8M, 4mm Socket/4mm Plug
Jewel Dual-Wire Medium Metal Wrist Band, 4mm
Adjustable Wrist Strap with 1.5M Coil Cord, 4mm Stud
Jewel Dual-Wire Large Metal Wrist Band, 4mm
Medium Metal Wrist Band with 4mm Stud
Coiled Cord, Black, 1.8M, 10mm Socket/10mm Socket
Adjustable Fabric Wrist Strap with 1.8m Coil Cord, 4mm, Blue
Coiled Cord, Black, 1.8M, 10mm Socket/4mm Socket
Adjustable Metal Wrist Strap with 1.8m Coil Cord, 4mm Snap, Blue
Jewel Coiled Cord, 1.8M, Sapphire, 4mm Socket/4mm Plug
Verification Tester for 724 Workstation Monitor and 725 portable wristband tester
Jewel Coiled Cord, 1.8M, Sapphire, 10mm Socket/4mm Plug
Jewel Coiled Cord, 1.8M, Ruby, 4mm Socket/4mm Plug
Jewel Elastic Adjustable Wrist Band, Sapphire, 4mm